I did an animation test of the puppet head with animatable eyebrows to see how it looks and moves on screen:
I didn't like it at all, it makes him look too comical. Moveable eyebrow idea scrapped!
I had made a few different prototypes of possible puppet heads for the librarian puppet. I particularly like two of these, the first is made of balsa wood, the second is a sculpey base which is then covered in a very fine foam layer with latex. I wanted to test how these would look under camera with lighting as I was unsure whether the features and detail and the heads would show up well enough on screen.

Here's how they looked:
I'm having a bit of a struggle at what one I liked more. I particularly liked working with the balsa wood, which is extremly light so isn't detrimental to the movement of the puppet and gives nice angular detail to the face; however I like the texture of the foam and book pages, but the head wa extremely heavy on the puppets long neck.

I think what I need to do now is try adding writing or book pages onto the balsa wood head and see what this looks like.