I've been attaching tie downs to all parts of my set so none of it can sneakily move about whilst I'm shooting.
On both the chair and the bookcase I attached L shaped plates with a glue gun which I can screw down to the table. I attached a screw to each of the ladders legs so that it slots straight into the table and I can secure it from underneath.
I need to animate book pages to look like they are turning by themselves so I have sandwiched aluminium gauze between two pages a number of times so that I can animate part of the page and it will keep it's shape and position. I used spray mount to attach the gauze so the paper wouldn't wrinkle of deform like it might with glue.
There is a scene in the film where a tree grows out of a book. To make the animation process easier I am going to shoot it backwards so I don't have to build a tree as I animate. This means I start with a full tree which then curls in upon itself and is cut away so I am left with nothing.

I started by twisted fine wire around thicker wire to create a knobbly surface. I made three of these and then papier mache'd book pages onto them. Once dry I twisted the wire together to create a tree trunk with individual strands at one end for roots and at the other for branches.

I then added addition wire onto the roots and branches and papier mache'd it all. Lastly I added normal shaped leaves and 'Z' shaped leaves which were aluminium gauze sandwich between two pieces of book page.