Out with the old and in with the new...

So I realised in taking time out of this production over Christmas and New Year to write my dissertation that when I tried to get back into it I was in a bit of a rut. I think I had got too fixated on the idea of the Librarian losing his father and this was creating too much of a complicated back story, creating unnecessary faff and causing more work for myself.

Therefore I have ditched the back story. The Librarian is now simply a man who has lost his love for stories and books and is tired and grumpy in his old age.

I have been trying to think of ways that would help show his hatred for books visually on screen:
  • He has fallen asleep at his desk
  • (Dreaming book flapping around head scene?)
  • Closed book on table - words start to creep up his hand. Stories start to scratch at his skin to try to wake him, constrict him.
  • He wakes to see book vortex spiralling before his eyes pounding towards him (Coraline-esque?)
  • He is sucked into the book.
  • Book closes to reveal subtitles?

He is old, he has forgotten the joy of stories - scrap father idea?

He is writing his own book - this is the one that consumes him, his own story. (Shots of him writing this story.)