Although the prototype workshop was helpful in many aspects, the prototype that I produced from it is not the direction I want to go in for my film. Here are the two main reasons:

Aesthetic quality - The puppet looks spongey and cartoon-like which is not what I want the Librarian to look like. One cause of this is the use of fabric and wadding, he doesn't have the angular textured look that I would like him to have. Another is the latex hands, by using acrylic mixed in it gives the skin a block cartoonised look so I would like to try using latex mixed with gouache to see if this achieves a more realistic skin look. The third cause is the white round eyeballs in the head, also giving a cartoonised appearance.

Armature design - Although using the armature shape that I have experimented with in this prototype does give the puppet an elongated neck and unusual body shape, it won't lend itself well to movement. The sholders sit awkwardly hidden behind the collar so all camera work would have to be face on to the puppet. The neck itself is extremely weak as it is relatively unsupported holding the upper half of the puppets body weight. It may be best to try and make a prototype in a similar style that I did with the marquette - normal shoulders, better control of movement. However I do need to test animate this prototype still.
  • Neoprin or felt - might be good for collar (stiff material but can be manipulated).
  • Arms - the elbow should be around the waist, make them shorter. They can still be a longer lengththan what's normal but these are too long.
  • Body language: Frail - hands up to chest. Anger - hands expressive, down from chest.
  • Collar - make smaller to read sideways profile on screen.
  • Make him a if he were young, add hunch in later. Scale drawing should be straightened out version of his skeleton.
  • Two heads? One for how he sees himself and one for how he really is - this is dependant on the story.
  • HE NEEDS SHOULDERS! Make a traditional armature. It can be edited in AfterFX to get rid of the shoulders with just the neck visible (a case of frame by frame blacking out his neckline).

Decisions - Do I keep puppet very stylised which is working well currently OR do I compromise and add realistic features as well to tie in with a certain storyline?