I made up some hand armatures with wire and milliput and then skinned them with fine sporting injury foam dipped into latex. I didn't dip them in latex, but left the texture of the foam exposed as I didn't want a shiney quality to them and then added bits of ripped up book pages alike to the head.
If I had the time I would have made the hands out of balsa wood to be inkeeping with the head, however this would require lots of replacement hands as I need them to move, so this is a much quicker alternative and will hopefully not look too alien to each other under camera.
For the hands that you can see above, I used the lighter colour foam (left image), however when I make them for the final puppet I will be using the darker foam as seen in the right image as it matches the colour of the wood better.
I also skinned the other prototypes arms with 80 dernier tights material, which worked better than the woolly material that I had tried previously, as well as the latex for the texture of clothes. However I will be using foam and latex to skin the puppets neck as the skin of the hands will then match this.

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