I have also attended another workshop to make a head with armature prototype. The design for this wasn't based on the Librarian, the idea was just to make a head in the time of the workshop so that we may apply it to our own character if we so wished. We were given a standard and basic lightweight head with a wire jaw and brow which we then built upon with foam and latex to create a face.

Here's how:
Using fine foam dipped in latex, cover the armature and lightweight core with a single layer, including a whole piece of foam that covers the gap between the wire jaw and the 'skull' to create the 'flesh'.
Add foam in bulk where needed, for example the cheeks, using fine scissors you can cut them into shape once the latex has set.
Adding more layers to create facial shape.
Using fine bits of foam rolled into strips I have created detailing on each side of the head to look like the ears.
Basic facial shape in place.

Once everything has been covered, including the eyes and the teeth, using a thicker piece of foam glue this to the top flat area of the head in a square block. Once the glue has set you can then shape the foam to look like a skull.
Cut a slit where the mouth should be to reveal the teeeth and then shape in a mouth.

Cut away the foam covering the eyes.

Ear detail.

Layer of fine foam onto of ear detail to create the appearance of the ear jutting out of the side of the head.
The finishing touches: using a coctail stick I applied latex straight onto the head in areas that needed building up further.

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